Bryan "Bubba" Fish Claims Police Do Not Prevent Crime, Wants to Defund Police, and Opposes Arming Police -- Bryan “Bubba” Fish Puts Culver City Community Safety at Risk
Bryan "Bubba" Fish opposes police funding, including patrols and essential safety equipment
Bryan "Bubba" Fish disregards public safety and the challenges officers face in dangerous situations
Bryan "Bubba" Fish opposes the use of surveillance technologies, undermining effective crime prevention efforts
Bryan "Bubba" Fish opposes the use of riot gear, making it difficult for the police to manage emergencies effectively
- Bryan "Bubba" Fish claims police do not prevent crime and opposes arming them, endangering community safety
NOVEMBER 5, 2024 -- Public Safety is on the ballot -- VOTE Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin, Denice Renteria, and Albert Vera
Bryan "Bubba" Fish has consistently undermined the Culver City Police Department's funding priorities and use of vital safety equipment, to the detriment of the community. He has repeatedly stated during city meetings that police do not prevent crime and he has opposed efforts to properly arm and equip them.
Bryan "Bubba" Fish frequently uses phrases like "reimagining public safety," "citizen watchers," and "a people's budget" as euphemisms for his attempts to defund the police by 50%, avoiding explicitly using the term 'defund.' His repeated attempts to defund the police, prevent them from acquiring necessary tools, and limit surveillance measures have raised serious concerns about the safety of Culver City residents. Fish’s stance undermines the ability of the police to effectively respond to crime and protect the community.
Bryan "Bubba" Fish has consistently opposed the police department's use of equipment meant to ensure public safety during protests. He spoke against police officers wearing riot gear, even though such equipment is critical for ensuring large public events do not spiral into chaos. By questioning the necessity of these safety measures and demanding endless justifications, Bryan "Bubba" Fish has made it more difficult for the police to be properly equipped to handle emergencies. (April 11, 2022; August 22, 2022)
Bryan "Bubba" Fish also targets the use of surveillance technologies like Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPRs), which are crucial for preventing and solving crimes. His claims about privacy concerns ignore the effectiveness of these technologies in tracking down criminals and maintaining public safety. Instead of supporting proven methods for crime prevention, Bryan "Bubba" Fish wants to divert funds away from necessary police tools to community programs that lack the same direct impact on reducing crime. (May 8, 2023; May 15, 2023)
Bryan "Bubba" Fish’s opposition to increased funding for CCPD, including resources for patrols, drones, and essential safety equipment, reveals a dangerous disregard for public safety. His insistence on diverting funds away from law enforcement and into community programs ignores the vital role that a well-funded police force plays in keeping Culver City safe. By focusing solely on reducing police capabilities, Bryan "Bubba" Fish is putting the community at risk and jeopardizing the safety of residents. (May 15, 2023; April 29, 2024)